Trader Tips

How To Trade An Earnings Gap With Options

One of the most lucrative trading setups following earnings is something called the Earnings Gap. This is a strategy that everyone should have in their Trading Playbook. Depending on the quality of the setup, this is a trade that can make your week. We frequently trade the Earnings Gap for 100%, 200%, and 300% gain or more.

How Long Does it Take to Become a Consistently Profitable Trader?

Every trader needs to ask themselves if they are willing to commit a few years of their life to their trading development while knowing that the results during this period could be minimal. Progress takes time, and that is especially true when it comes to day trading.

Understanding Trader Psychology - 11 Things You Should Know

You can’t control the market but you can control how you react to it. Studying and understanding trading psychology allows you to analyze your own behavioral patterns and make the necessary improvements. A focus on trading psychology, your behavior, and emotion is the ultimate compliment to market research, technical analysis, and tape reading.

The Importance of Self-Awareness for Day Traders

The Importance of Self-Awareness for Day Traders

In today’s society where the average attention span is rapidly decreasing, we easily lose the connection to ourselves. The term “self-awareness” has a spiritual feel to it and most people (particularly traders) are going to lose interest in the conversation the moment you bring it up. However, I have never interacted with a successful trader who is not highly self-aware.

You Made A Huge Trading Mistake - Now What?

You Made A Huge Trading Mistake - Now What?

Trader’s make mistakes, and it will happen again. Moving past these mistakes can be challenging, particularly with the commitment bias working against us. How we handle ourselves in these moments is critical to our success as traders.

Bid Size and Ask Size on Option Contracts - How You Can Use It To Your Advantage

When bid size is radically different from the ask size, it can represent a supply and demand imbalance. Bid size and ask size can help traders gauge where to place orders and in turn, get quicker fills.

Options Implied Move - What Is It?

During each earnings season, traders and investors often focus their attention on a crucial metric: the "options implied move" or "expected move" of a stock's earnings report (ER). This metric is vital for making informed decisions in the world of trading. In this article, we will delve into the concept of the options implied move, explaining how it's calculated and why it matters.

A Day-Trader’s Focus

A Day-Trader’s Focus

In addition to the consistent list of inquiries relating to peripheral elements of my trading process and setup, like my watchlist or computer workstation, it’s not uncommon for beginning traders to express curiosity relating to a professional day trader’s daily routine—which you can read about in an upcoming article—along with the mindset that is used to approach each new day on the market. Today, we’ll be discussing the latter.