What Is a Trading Playbook? The Tool that Creates 6-7 Figure Traders
Have you ever wondered how some traders consistently rake in six to seven figures in profits while others struggle to find their footing in the markets? Well, let me share a little secret with you. Behind the scenes, these successful traders rely on a powerful tool called a trading playbook. This tool was a game changer for my personal trading and is something that I recommend all of my clients create and utilize in their trading business.
How to Improve Trading Execution through Reflection, Analysis, and Review
In the world of trading, continuous improvement is the pathway to success. To achieve this, traders must adopt a comprehensive approach that involves analyzing their trades from a macro perspective and delving into the details of their execution fills. In this article, we explore the significance of the execution review process as a crucial component of trading review. By engaging in regular execution reviews, traders can gain a deeper understanding of their trading patterns, identify areas for improvement, and make adjustments that align with their desired trading outcomes. Discover how to unlock the power of self-analysis and elevate your trading performance to new heights.
Why Most Traders Fail and How to Excel: Unveiling the Secrets of Successful Day Trading
As a veteran day trader, I've witnessed the harsh reality behind the success stories flaunted on social media. The truth is, most traders struggle and fail to achieve consistent profits. But fear not, for I am here to shed light on the reasons behind their failures and guide you towards a path of success. Discover the essential skills, proven strategies, and the psychological mindset necessary to conquer the challenging world of day trading. Are you ready to unlock your true potential and become a master of the trade?
Trading Playbook and Trade Review
When I began to fully understand what neuronal networks are and how they’re formed, my trading improved in a big way. Playbooking and Trade Review are the mental models and frameworks that I used to go from unprofitable to profitable, and then from 5 figures of profitability to well into 6 figures. These are the exact frameworks that I use with 1-on-1 clients (and teach in the OMC) to help them generate consistent profits from trading.
How Long Does it Take to Become a Consistently Profitable Trader?
Every trader needs to ask themselves if they are willing to commit a few years of their life to their trading development while knowing that the results during this period could be minimal. Progress takes time, and that is especially true when it comes to day trading.
Daily Trade Review - Why You’re Probably Doing It Wrong
The entire purpose of a daily trade review is to collect behavioral-performance data around specific actions that you complete on a daily basis - These actions may or may not be directly related to trading. This write up should help to provide guidance on how to structure the daily journaling and data collection.
9 Cognitive Biases That Screw Up Your Trading Decisions
9 Cognitive biases that every trader needs to be aware of.
Understanding Trader Psychology - 11 Things You Should Know
You can’t control the market but you can control how you react to it. Studying and understanding trading psychology allows you to analyze your own behavioral patterns and make the necessary improvements. A focus on trading psychology, your behavior, and emotion is the ultimate compliment to market research, technical analysis, and tape reading.
The Importance of Self-Awareness for Day Traders
In today’s society where the average attention span is rapidly decreasing, we easily lose the connection to ourselves. The term “self-awareness” has a spiritual feel to it and most people (particularly traders) are going to lose interest in the conversation the moment you bring it up. However, I have never interacted with a successful trader who is not highly self-aware.
You Made A Huge Trading Mistake - Now What?
Trader’s make mistakes, and it will happen again. Moving past these mistakes can be challenging, particularly with the commitment bias working against us. How we handle ourselves in these moments is critical to our success as traders.
The "Green Streak" Trading Challenge: 1% Portfolio Growth Daily
The effects of this small habit compounds over time. If you can end up with just 1% gain each day, you will end up with results that are nearly 37 times better after a year!