Trading Playbook and Trade Review Template


Trading Playbook and Trade Review Template


This is the Playbooking and Trade Review template that Kyle (our founder) used to go from unprofitable to profitable, and then from 5 figures of profitability to well into 6 figures.

Many traders have confusion about what playbooking means as it applies to trading, and how it differs from trade review.

As traders, it is important to remember that the least important part of your trading day is your actual trading.

The work you do after the trade or trading session to improve and prepare for future trading opportunities is most important.

Becoming your best trader requires daily and detailed work. This is where your trading playbook and trade review process comes in.

Playbooking is the practice of documenting your best trades. In trading, it is very hard to get β€œreps” outside of our actual trading. As with sports, one of the best ways to improve is to practice and get reps in.

Playbooking is one way to get those reps in. It is an exercise that helps to develop neuronal networks in the brain, meaning you recognize patterns more quickly and can execute those trade patterns with ease.

Playbooking is an essential review process that helps you internalize your trading, which will get you to perform better. Without it, there is no increased profit.

This playbook and trade review template makes life as a trader easier and provides a proven format to generate results. This template totally eliminates the need for a trade review subscription service.

Within this template, there is also an entire section dedicated to trading review. While we have talked at length about trade review before, this template provides a format with journal prompts that get directly to the point and uncover errors in your thinking and trading process.

To learn more about playbooking and trade review, as well as get an in-depth look at the template, watch this video:

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